
Alkimiya Blockspace Market

Create, trade, and build on the leading decentralized blockspace markets protocol.

Bitcoin Blockspace

Trade BTC Network Tx Fees

Pool NFT

Blockspace is the fundamental resource of decentralized consensus.

Every on-chain action consumes blockspace. As activities grow, the volatility of resource pricing hinders the growth of organizations that frequently settle on-chain, and leaks negative externalities that affect regular users.

Alkimiya brings universal access to the fundamental resource that powers the heartbeat of decentralized economies.

Enter into a short position on BTC Tx Fees
  • A miner locking in future Tx Fees for more predictable revenue.
  • A trader seeking to profit from the overpriced Long positions.
  • Someone generally bearish on Ordinals/Runes/BRC-20 continue driving volume.

Your position tracks the rolling average tx fees, more specifically, the median BTC/kB per block. During this period, you are free to trade or close your position.

Upon settlement, if the average tx fees over the period is higher than your initial target, you are profitable. If it is lower, the difference is your loss.